Why Winter is the Best Time to Start Building | LIDA Construction

Why Winter is the Best Time to Start Building


What Time of Year is Best to Start Building Your Dream Home?

A frequent question for our custom home builders is “what is the best time to begin building a home?” Surprisingly, winter is the best option! Here are a few reasons:

1. You won’t rush through the design process and can make sure it’s just right.

You really don’t need nice weather to design your dream house, but it does take some time. When the window of nice weather is closing in the spring and summer you might be tempted to make a quick hasty decision about the design, just to get things moving along. In the winter you can take your time and make sure you don’t make poor choices.

2. You can choose a good winter lot.

Victoria custom home builders sometimes see a situation where homeowners choose a lot based on summer conditions and then homeowners are disappointed in the winter. In the winter you get a chance to assess potential lots at their worst. How does the water run through or does it pool? Will you get any sunlight with the lower winter sun?

3. Set up financing

Realistically it takes 30 – 60 days to set up financing for new home construction. This timeline is an aspect that many new home construction clients forget. It’s important to consider and if you begin the process in the winter it will likely end up great timing for breaking ground.

4. You can complete many of the preliminary items during cold weather.

There is so much to do before you actually begin digging. Clearing property, excavating, preparing the ground and getting utilities set up are all cold weather activities. Also in Victoria, the rain makes the ground softer and easier to dig. So if you’re putting in a basement, late winter is a great time to get going.

Contact us today to start the process of turning your dream home into a reality.

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